Without Walls

Dear Chad,

It is on this day, you once again come across parting paths. One path leads farther down a road of your own dismay, while the other road leads to opportunities beyond your imagination. The choice isn’t easy, when overthinking the possibilities, however when only thinking for yourself, the choice is simple.

The Path of Dismay

Should you choose to continue this path, you will continue the path of pleasing others. This breaking point will bring you even deeper into stress related depression. You chose this path based on the hope of change, happiness, and empowerment because of promise. During your journey so far, you have only found unenjoyable circumstances, struggle, and a dead end.

The Path of Opportunity

Down this path, should you choose to travel, you will find your hope, happiness, and adventure. Although taking a risk, you are well prepared with an arsenal of dedication, passion, and perseverance. Although this path may not offer you the “benefits” of the Path of Dismay, you will no longer feel the desire to give up. Once again you will be opened up to a world of opportunity, which you will have the power to change.

Again my friend, the choice is yours and yours alone. Today is the day where you choose to live in the shadows of others thoughts and oppression, or start living for what you truly believe in.

Best Regards

Author: ChadEveryday

Chad Thompson is a multimedia specialist with over twenty combined years experience in: Graphic & Web Design, Photography, and Videography.

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